Woman Experiencing Dry Eye

Lipiflow Dry Eye Treatment in Toronto & Ottawa

Tearscience® Technology

With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to treat the root of dry eye symptoms by unblocking the meibomian glands. The meibomian glands are the eyelid glands responsible for producing the necessary oils for the tear film. This treatment is called the LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System.

Herzig Eye Institute is the first in North America to provide this technology for patients. The treatment involves applying a combination of localized heat therapy and pressure to unblock eyelid glands and relieve obstructions. 

Opening the blocked eyelid glands allows the body to resume natural production of lipids (oils). The LipiFlow® treatment is offered at Herzig Eye Institute in a comfortable in-office setting. Most patients who have LipiFlow® feel relief of their symptoms within four weeks of treatment.

Underlying Causes


Bacteria on the skin and eyelashes can cause a condition known as blepharitis. Blepharitis is persistent and common inflammation of the eyelids. If left untreated, this condition may cause permanent damage to the natural glands of the eyelid meant to keep your eyes moist. Traditionally, this condition can be difficult to treat due to its recurrent nature.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

The meibomian glands of the upper and lower lids play one of the biggest roles in dry eye symptom management. These glands produce lipids to coat the tears and prevent them from evaporating. Studies show approximately 65% of dry eye symptoms are caused by dysfunction of these glands. 

As we age, these glands can get obstructed with bacteria, cholesterol, debris, allergens, and makeup. A common treatment is hot compresses to help loosen the obstruction, however, it usually provides minimal relief.

We Have a Better Solution

The LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation treatment may reduce the need for drops, warm compresses, and other time-consuming efforts to temporarily ease symptoms. 

After a few weeks of receiving treatment, you may start to forget about how much the condition was controlling your life – the constant drops, the hot compresses, the limits on how long you could sit at the computer or wear your contacts. 


Microblepharoexfoliation is a common problem, sometimes resulting in symptoms of itchy, red eyelids, eyelash crusting, sticky eyelids, burning, or gritty sensation in the eyes. If left untreated it may lead to increased symptoms of dry eye syndrome and make the eyes more prone to eyelid and eye infections.

The Microblepharoexfoliation® procedure is a medical treatment used by a doctor to gently exfoliate and safely and precisely remove debris and crusts around the eyelashes.